Friday, February 10, 2012

time to live up to its name

for a long time, i have had grand ideas about making quilts based on books, especially children's books, hence the blog name.  but i haven't really put the idea into practice for a while.  one of the books i always wanted to do is this one: brown bear, brown bear by eric carle.  i actually bought the fabric and took the above picture a year ago; i was already pregnant but didn't know it yet.  when i found out, i figured this was the perfect quilt to do for my own baby.

now a year has gone by and what has become of that beautiful pile of fabric (moda marbles by the way)?

8 down, 1 to go!  each one is my own design, copied pretty much directly from the book, and hand appliqued.  all that is left is the blue horse (which i like to say would have gotten done if she hadn't decided to come a week early).  and then i will put it together and hand quilt it. sorry about the crummy photography.  i should work on that.  

 i decided while i was working on this that she'd probably never be allowed to touch it because so much of it is hand work.  so i made her another one with the help of my mother-in-law.  i'll post about that one soon.

1 comment:

roc said...

I can't imagine, though, that you'd trade the blue horse for another week of pregnancy :) These are charming and beautiful and you must be delighted!