Saturday, January 22, 2011

Show and Tell

Show and tell is a standard part of all the guild meetings I've ever been to. I have been going for 3 years now and never shown my work. Mostly cause I never have anything done at the right time for the local guild - we only meet 4 times a year and when I finish what I'm working on, I tend to just send it to whoever I'm giving it to since it's always late anyway! Plus I generally prefer to avoid standing up in front of people. But I finally got back to a PMQG meeting this week and took the completed birthday quilt. Since I haven't taken my own picture of it to put on here, I will send you over to the post on the PMQG blog. Scroll down about a 3rd of the way. Of course, I had to go right after the Tokyo Subway Map quilt, done by a woman whose blog I follow, but oh well. Somebody had to do it. (And yes, if you're wondering, I'm inspired and working on it - we'll leave it there for now)

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