Sunday, May 23, 2010

2010 Blogger Quilt Festival

As I get more into this blogging thing, I decided to be brave and go public. I am entering the 2010 Blogger Quilt Festival, sponsored by Amy's Creative Side.

I decided to share my favorite quilt to date - CJ's Hungry Caterpillar. I have two older sisters, one who convinced me to try quilting in the first place and it was so that we could make something for the other sister's wedding. Naturally, this lead on to quilting for subsequent special occasions. So when BOTH my sisters got pregnant at the same time, I knew I had to something special.

I have long been drawn to the idea of making quilts inspired by books. For my niece, who's mother is a true outdoor girl and environmentalist, I went with The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. It is hand appliqued and hand quilted. The fruit is my favorite part.


Dolly said...

Oh, this is adorable !

I have seen so many quilts of this name where they apparently used some sort of printed fabric depicting this story. That's what I thought yours was going to be, but instead it is totally unique !

Great job.........what a wonderful quilt.

Angie Padilla said...

I love that book and I love the way you have depicted it here. What a clever idea. Will have to check in and see what other storybook ideas you come up with!

Sarah said...

LOVE this. I was just looking at "Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too?" thinking I wish I could turn these paper collage pictures in to quilts!

debbi d-w said...

I loved this book, and I love this quilt! I'm intrigued by your idea of making quilts from books - both are passions of mine as well. I'll be back to look at more of yours!

janet said...

Very cute, and nice job on the applique!

wishes, true and kind said...

Adorable, Leah!

Kimberly said...

Wow! This is fabulous. I love that you designed your own top instead of just going out and buying the licensed fabrics. This is so much more special! Lovely.

Eileen said...

very cute and so fun to make it for a lucky little child!! you've done such a nice job and it is great that you did it all yourself. thanks for sharing and come visit if you get a chance