These are the baby quilts that I made in between the first nephew's quilt and the twin cousins quilt.
this quilt was made in 2005 for one of David's college friends (and later groomsman) first baby. they've had number 2 but those poor second children get the shaft. it's awful. it was very loosely based on the book Goodnight Moon, the first time i based a quilt on a book. if you look really closely, you can see that i quilted moon and stars in the light blue blocks.
this was made for one of my best college friend's baby girl. i used a pattern from a baby quilt book. this was the first time i pieced something that really made a pattern that worked. and i think i quilted tulips into it. i think it was my first label too - called springtime sunshine since she was born in may.

first applique! made for a long time friends first baby (she has also had number 2 and again this poor second child got the shaft).
eventually i will get on to posting my current projects. i guess i felt that i needed a little history. i also have issues because i have always given everything away so i can't post about it til it's done and been gifted!
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